Music on the moon

Hundreds of songs have been written about the moon. Some of the best known are ‘Fly Me to de Moon’, composed by Bart Howard in 1954 and performed by numerous singers, although the most famous was the version that catapulted Frank Sinatra to fame in 1964 and the first song heard on the Apollo 10 mission. David Bowie also composed music for the moon: ‘Space Oddity’ was released in 1969 and was inspired by the movie ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’.
The moon and fertility

There are no scientific studies that ensure greater fertility for women on full moon days, but for hundreds of years, fertility has been associated with that phase of the moon. The Romans believed so, in fact, their fertility goddess was also the moon goddess.
It is also not clear that more babies will be born on full moon nights. According to a study by the US National Center of Health Statict, published in 2001 by astronomer Daniel Caton, there is no correlation between births and the moon’s phases after analyzing 70 million births.
The full moon and the human being

Many legends have accompanied this phase of the moon, but how many are true? Does the full moon affect human beings in any way? There are several studies on this matter named by Hannah Pang in her book, one of the most relevant is the one carried out by Ilia D. Dichev and Troy D.Janes, from the University of Michigan Business School, in the USA. They believed that yes, that the full moon phase affects the attitude of human beings; in fact, they certified that there was a correlation between full moon nights and stock market investments.
His study of more than 20 stock exchanges over 30 years shows a strong correlation between the lunar cycles and stock prices. Another graph published in the Journal of Private Equity, in 2003, showed that the profits on the stock market of the richest countries of the G-7 were higher in times of full moon.