8) Take a walk at night

To aid digestion and stretch a bit, especially if you’ve been sitting at your desk all day, don’t forget to take a nice evening stroll. It will be relaxing, and it will help calm your mind and put aside your worries. In addition, it will be useful to promote digestion, and that you will not go to bed on a full stomach.
9) Use a relaxing cushion

Before going to sleep, remember to place an aromatic cushion, or at least a small pad with natural filling, under or near your pillow. Considered to be true natural stressors, lavender flower-filled pads or spelled peel cushions help promote relaxation and good sleep.
10) Get a massage

How much time do we spend pampering our own bodies? Probably very little, especially if our days pass very quickly. You could take a few minutes before going to sleep to give yourself a relaxing self-massage by making circular movements in the legs and arms, towards the heart. If you want, you can use a bio body cream or relaxing massage oil. For example, almond or sesame oil along with two to three drops of lavender essential oil.
These tips have been very useful for most people and have allowed them to rest better while relaxing from a complicated daily routine.